European Distributor of High Quality Fly Fishing Products
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NFD Team

Torbjörn Andersson

Founder, Owner & CEO
Stockholm, Sweden

Been fly fishing for 45 years and it all started in a Swedish Brown Trout river I still love and live next door to for several weeks each season.
Apart from fishing this little gem of a river Torbjörn fish almost everything/everywhere you can think of as long as it is with a fly rod:
Iceland for Salmon, Char, Sea Run Char, Brown Trout and Sea Trout
Scotland for Salmon
England’s chalk streams
US west coast for Steel Head & Chinook
Norway for Salmon
Slovenia, Bosnia and Austria for Rainbow’s,  Grayling and Marmorata
Sweden for Brown Trout, Grayling and Sea Trout on the coast.
Still on the bucket list is Argentina, Italy, Japan, New Zealand and Canada


Magnus Axelsson

Magnus is a co-owner of NFD and lives in Åkersberga, Sweden close to Stockholm just by the Baltic Sea with its coastal fishing for Sea Trout.
He prefer to be fishing for Salmon and Sea Trout and occasionally Rainbow’s in local lakes. On the picture you see a 11Kg Salmon from the famous River Mörrum in south of Sweden.
He usually do not fish single hand rods and for Trout but joined on a helicopter trip this summer and of course he did best of everyone in the group, both in number and size with one monster wild Brown Trout of 3,6kg!!

On his bucket list there’s (of course) a 20Kg sea-liced Salmon as well as a return trip to fantastic Iceland.

Tim Heldmann

Tim Heldmann, originally from Germany, has always had a passion for fishing since his early days. His extensive fishing journey began in Lake Geneva during his time in Switzerland, where he spent countless hours perfecting his cast and dreaming of the big catch. His adventures then expanded to the lakes and rivers around Salzburg while living in Austria, where he honed his skills and developed a deep appreciation for the art of fly fishing.

Now residing in Sweden with his family since 2017, Tim dedicates himself fully to fly fishing, much to the amusement of his friends who joke that he spends more time with his fly rod than with them. Tim primarily targets sea trout along Sweden’s west coast and ventures into rivers like Sävean, Älvdalen, Rotälven, and Vindelälven to fish for trout and grayling. His expertise and passion for fly fishing are evident in his Instagram account, hero_flyfishing, which he started in February 2024 and has quickly garnered a sizeable following.

In addition to his fishing expertise, Tim is also an avid fly tyer. He enjoys creating a wide range of flies, from shrimp imitations to nymphs and dry flies, which further enhances his fly fishing experience. When he’s not on the water, you can find him at his tying bench, crafting flies so detailed that even the fish might mistake them for the real deal.

Tim’s bucket list includes exploring the pristine waters of New Zealand, the rugged landscapes of Patagonia, the legendary rivers of Iceland, and the wild beauty of northern Sweden and Finland. He is eager to experience the unique challenges and rewards that each of these destinations offers to fly fishers. Tim is always in the endless pursuit of the perfect catch, driven by a love for the sport that continues to grow with each new adventure. Whether it’s a serene day on a local river or an exciting trip to a far-off land, Tim’s dedication to fly fishing remains unwavering.

Timo T Kanerva

Timo lives about two hours from Stockholm in a beautiful and “forestry” area named Bergslagen where he fish three local rivers:
Sverkestaån, Hedströmmen & Kolbäcksån
They hold wild Brown Trout but are also Stocked with Rainbow’s.
During the short Scandinavian summer Timo prefer to fish in the extreme North of Sweden…for monster Char, Brown’s and Grayling. The abundance of water up there is enormous.
Timo has also fished in Croatia and Slovenia and Iceland and on the current bucket list is a return to Iceland!

Elvar Gunnarsson

Elvar is located in the southwestern part of Iceland and lives in the beautiful town of Hafnarfjordur in the capital area . He has been flyfishing for almost 20 years and has previous experience working at fly shops and marketing and establishing  new tackle brands.

Elvar is a trout bum purist that is heavily influenced by the legendary TROUT BUM DIARIES film series released back in 2005 and loves to explore new places where few people go in search of the unexpected. 

Lakes, slow water rivers, mountain lakes and backcountry water systems in Iceland are Elvars most favorite destinations. He has been sharing material from his flyfishing trips on Instagram under KASTFLY since 2016 and loves minimalism and retro-styled fly fishing gear that has character and soul.

His main fishing grounds are in Iceland and he has previous experience  in catching salmon in Icelandic rivers and has pursued Bass in the USA. The bucket list contains mostly places in Iceland that hold trout and few or none people have fished before  along with similar fishing grounds in northern Scandinavia and New Zealand.    

Fredrik Lundell

Fredrik started fishing with his father at an early age. Was a late bloomer when it came to flyfishing. But the last 8 years of his life, flyfishing has had his full focus. Now at age 46 he spends as much time as he can hunting bows and browns in local river and streams. Mostly fish at Baltak, Sweden and some other local streams.
He lives in a small town called Götene near the lake Vänern there is also a lot of pearch that grabs his flies. He lives with his girlfriend and their 3 kids and their dog. The love for fishing has taken him to lots of new places and made him meet lots of interesting people. Last “big” trip was to Bosnia to fish for grayling. Even though he loves the calm and peaceful days at a local creek smoking a pipe and looking at fish rise, he missed competition. Fredrik has been active in martial arts since 1987. So he took a chance and signed up for a qualifying competition in flyfishing last summer.  One thing lead to another and he is now the Captain of the Swedish National FlyFishing Team going to the World Championship in Slovakia in september. He dreams about going back to New Zealand to fish browns and bows.  Marbletrout is also on his bucket list.

Micke Anderson

Micke is an excellent Fly Tyer and of course use SPRITE Hooks.  His “artist” name is “Sash-Up Fly Tying” on Instagram. Check it out!

He lives south of Stockholm by the worlds largest archipelago (24,000+ Islands!) where he fly fish for Sea Trout, Pike and Perch.

When it comes to Fly Tying he started in the early 90’s with a plan to tie everything from small dry flies to classic salmon flies. As it turned out Micke ended up mainly making Pike and Sea Trout flies. And they are second to none!!

Nowadays he fish a lot for Trout and Grayling and on his bucket list you’ll find Kola, Russia, Cuba and NZ

Torgeir Nordkild

Torgeir is lucky enough to live in perhaps the most beautiful and spectacular countries on this planet. He lives in the North near city of Tromsö and fish local Salmon rivers but also go away to remote areas for Trout.  On the coast Torgeir cast for Sea Trout in the spring time before Salmon season.  Did you know that Norway has more than 850 salmon rivers??  Having said that, his mission is to land a 10Kg Salmon in his local small river….perhaps in summer 2021?

On his bucket list you find Argentina, Iceland and more rivers to discover in the Finnmark area of Northern Norway

Mikael Jenei

When Mikael grow up in Stockholm he got into Fly Fishing already in 1974 after he got a present from is father.    It was a book named “Mörrumsån” by famous Hans Lidman!

Family’s Easter feathers became flies and Mikael started targeting Sea Trout in city center of Stockholm where lake Mälaren flow into the Baltic sea.  A stream which is around 500m and runs just outside the castle.
Pretty unique!

He fished between the current bridges in high tide and fixed with ropes not to be washed away and out in sea 🙂

Mikael fish in Sweden, Norway, England, Slovenia and Iceland for Arctic Char, Grayling, Brown Trout, Salmon and Sea Trout.

Included in his long bucket list you find Hokkaido in Japan, Steelhead on US westcoast,  once again the English Chalk Streams, Scotland, Mt. Blackfoot River in Montana and New Zealand.

Tomislav Jurisic


Tomislav grew up and live on a small Island ( Vrgada ) of the Central Adriatic coast of Croatia. He started his passion for fly fishing as a salt water fly fisherman, which is rare among anglers in Croatia, and then expanded his love toward trout and grayling rivers in Croatia and Bosnia. Tomislav absolutely love dry fly fishing on light and ultra light setup. His next passion is Euro Nymphing on small montanous streams and fast rivers.

Among many things on bucket list are exploring Alpine rivers of Slovenia, Italy and Austria. Dry fly fishing for big  trout in New Zealand and Patagonia  brook trout and salmon  of Labrador. Scottish salomon etc.

Jon Kristian Skare

Jon Kristian lives in Asker, a 20-minute drive from Oslo. He has been fishing trout with dry flies for a couple of decades, mostly in the southern parts of Norway. Rivers and lakes alike, his absolute favorite is presenting dries on clear rivers with long leaders. He can also be found in the Norwegian mountains, especially in the area around Hardangervidda national park.
Some years ago, he got into salmon fishing, and like many others he got completely hooked after landing his first. The last years he has been fishing a lot for salmon in the northern parts of Norway, and he seems to have an extraordinary luck when it comes to the last casts of every trip. He`s also tying flies, from size 22 emergers to large salmon flies, and when it comes to salmon fishing, he is a believer of small flies that blends well into the river.
He always brings his camera when fishing, and if you want to follow his journey, his name on Instagram is @mrskare. Jon Kristian is also a musician and does guitars and vocals in a Norwegian metal band called Posthum.

Petteri has also ticked off Iceland and now high up on the bucket list is Alaska!

Anton Hedenskog

Anton lives in Jämtland county in Northern Sweden in a small village called Jormvattnet. This womnderful place is only a few kilometers from the border with Norwa and all its Atlantic Salmon rivers! From May 15 to the end of August, he spend 90% of his free time fishing for Salmon in Norway! But he also fish for Sea Trout in our Swedish river which closes in the autumn! On Anton’s bucket list, of course, we find many gems in Norway, but Patagonia also attracts a lot with its large sea trout, also Iceland with its small, beautiful salmon rivers.

Filip Mirkovic

Filip is from Banja Luka in Bosnia where all the good Bosnian rivers are just within one hour drive. He is working on river Ribnik, one of the most famous rivers in Europe for fly fishing. Filip started fly fishing in 2008 and outside of Bosnia he has fished Slovenia and Serbia.

Highest up on the bucket list you’ll find New Zealand and Iceland!

Favorite way to fish is sight fishing big graylings on small nymphs but he also like dry fly fishing with big mayflies and stoneflies.

Nina Bävits Blom

Nina lives just outside of Stockholm. In Haninge where she lives with a big family there’s lakes and also the wonderful Stockholm Archipelago.

Fishing has always been a part of Ninas life but at 41 years of age in 2018 she got totally hooked on Fly Fishing. It started in River Långan in the Jämtland county some 650km north west of the Swedish capital. She started tying flies in 2021 and are now very active on social media with her wonderful creations. Fly Tying is now more than just a hobby, its a life style for Nina!. Check out her Instagram “flytyinglady”. Each year Nina and her husband Patrik, who also is in NFD’s team, travel to different destinations and most often up north in Sweden where there´s so many rivers (and lakes) it would not even be possible to fish them all in 10 lifetimes! Favourite fish is Grayling and Brown Trout but also fish for stocked rainbow’s which is easy accessible.
On her bucket list you find Iceland, helicopter trip far far out in the Swedish mountains for pristine and almost untouched rivers. Scotland is also a dream!

Viggo Larsson

Viggo Larsson lives in Mo i Rana a town in Helgeland, Northern Norway. He has three children aged 22, 7 and 6. and he has a wonderfully understanding cohabitant Sølvi, who lets him keep up with his passion for fly tying and fly fishing. Viggo has been fishing since he was a child and he has been tying flies since he was 14 years old.

For the last 22 years Viggo has been Fly Fishing. What he enjoys most about fly fishing and fly tying is that you learn something new all the time. You are never fully taught. Viggo travels to fly tying fairs in Norway, Sweden, Ireland and England. To share experiences, to meet others with the same passion. He is also a Pro Team at Semperfli SPRITE Hooks and Partridge.

“I just love it” 

On his bucket list you find fish 3 months every year in Montana and go back to Iceland and more rivers to discover in the Northern Norway and Northern Sweden
Filip is from Banja Luka in Bosnia where all the good Bosnian rivers are just within one hour drive. He is working on river Ribnik, one of the most famous rivers in Europe for fly fishing. Filip started fly fishing in 2008 and outside of Bosnia he has fished Slovenia and Serbia.

Marika Westberg

Marika lives in the northern part of Jämtland close to the Norwegian border.  She was brought up in a family who more or less lived for fishing and no wonder with the huge number of lakes and rivers in that part of Sweden.  Fly Fishing was what she really prefers and have enjoyed for many years. 
In her neighborhood who primarily fly fish for Brown Trout and Arctic Char but often also visit Norway for Salmon, primarily the big fish river Björa.

When the opportunity came up to run and manage a fishing camp called “Jormvattnets fiskecamp” it was an easy decision.  Marika is now also guiding fly fishing tourists in the nearby river.

On her bucket list is to land a very huge salmon in Norway (That’s where you find the monsters!) and get the opportunity to fish in Iceland, Scotland and New Zealand

Kenneth Einars

Kenneth is a famous fly tyer and in his home in Alfta in Hälsingland county many beautiful dry flies has been created and now used by anglers in many places! Check out his Instagram “keinars” He started fly fishing 40 years ago at the age of only 11 and favourite fish include Grayling, Brown Trout and Char on dry fly for sure! Relatively recently Kenneth has, like many Swede’s, picked up coastal Sea Trout fishing and also in coastal rivers. Kenneth is what can be called a Romantic fly fisher as size does not matter, there’s so many more things to it. Planning, friends, nature, making a coffee over open fire, talking photo’s, study the hatches and finally fool that rising Trout on one of his own creations! Kenneths favourite place in this universe is Finnmarksvidda in the extreme north of Norway where the Grayling, Char and Brown Trout fishing is absolute world class…and far far away from roads, houses and other people. He has also fished in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho but also Iceland. In Sweden Kenneth fish a lot from Belly Boat in lakes in the forests around where he lives but also travel to other nice destinations.
On bucket list we find Mexico, Russia and New Zealand.

Raphael Ehlers

Raphael who lives in Northern Germany is a passionate Fly Fisher Man of 34years of age.
As he lives only 2km from the coast of the Baltic Sea it has become natural that he very often target Sea Trout off the coast. Raphael is deeply in love with the Baltic coast and the sea Trout!
He has also fished a lot for Cod, Coalfish, Flounder and lately more Fly Fishing for Pike and Perch. One thing he likes about fly fishing is that you meet so many other “fanatics” and become friends with them. Fishing together and tying flies together.
Raphael has also fished in Denmark, Sweden and Norway as well as many places in Germany for primarily Brown Trout and Pike/Perch. On His bucket list you find New Zealand, Golden Dorado in South America and Trout in USA.

Tor Hansson

Tor lives in Katrineholm in Sweden. He started fly fishing when he was only 13 years of age and focus all his fishing in Sweden.  Brown Trout, Rainbows and Sea Trout mainly and both on single hand and spey rods (Sea Trout).  On Tor’s bucket list we find Slovenia and also North America’s west coast for Steelhead and Chinook!

Patrik Bävits Blom

Patrik lives with Nina in Haninge, Stockholm and has fished almost since he walked around in diapers and in young ages mostly in the archipelago of Stockholm with its 24,000 islands.  Now his favourite places to visit and fish is the northern part of Sweden close to the mountains or in the mountains where there are thousands of rivers and lakes. So lucky to live in a country like Sweden where there are so many places for Grayling and Brown Trout which he mostly target.  He also fly fish for Salmon, Pike and stocked Rainbow’s.      Other countries he has fished include Norway, Spain, Denmark, Brazil and Finland

Patrik started with fly fishing only in 2016 so many new places to visit and high up on Patrik’s bucket list you find Iceland, New Zealand, Slovenia and a helicopter trip far far out in the Swedish wilderness…with his wife Nina.

Johan Ivemyr

Johan lives in the “heart” of Sweden, namely the county “Dalarna” close to the small city Falun.
He has fly fished and tied flies since he was a young teenager and today fly tying is not only a central part of his passion but he also sell flies and fly tying materials: 

Last 10 years Johan has focused a lot on his fly tying business and also fly fishing and the result is his online shop.

Each year before the season starts he set new goals. New water, new species, new technique and so on.  Recently ha started to fish for coastal Sea Trout which has gained popularity a lot in Sweden last few years as its free of charge and very accessible, not to mention that the Baltic Sea Trout can be of the size that you regret you did not had an extra 100m of backing….

Having said that, he favour Brown Trout fishing in rivers and in lakes from a belly boat targeting really big Browns.
Johan is pretty lucky as there’s an abundance of water close to where he lives but he also travel up north including to Norway.

On his bucket list you find Iceland, Croatia, Bosnia and the famed Kaitum river in northern Sweden.

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